Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Day-After-Thanksgiving!

Romance is in the air...

And I am thankful that it is, because I am, after all, primarily a romance author. There are many things to be thankful for and I will give a few of them here.

I am thankful that I am still here to be blogging today.

I am thankful that I still have my natural teeth, small and silly-looking as they are.

I am thankful that I have food to eat.

I am thankful that I have family and friends.

I am thankful that I have the good sense to not bury my head too deeply in the sand when frightened.

I am thankful for the ability to write books that people enjoy.

I am thankful that I found two good, solid publishers to submit my work to.

I am thankful for the wonderful friends who help me through the hard spots.

I am thankful that the world still exists, and that in spite of animosity and frustration, nations still are working toward the betterment of all, to a degree.

I am thankful that there are good people in this world who feel that charity and hope are not just women's names.

I am thankful for all of the marvelous sights and sounds and fragrances and tastes.

I am thankful that I can still see, and hear, and small, and taste.

I am thankful that God is not just another old-fashioned swear word.

I am thankful that there are still people in this world that are kind enough to extend a helping hand when it is desperately needed.

I am thankful that there are still people in this world who are smart enough to accept a helping hand when it is offered.

I am thankful that people love to read romance.

And I am thankful that I am still young enough to grow a brain, and still old enough to use it.

May all the blessings of this world be with all of you, and may you have the good sense to see them when they present themselves. 

After all...things are what you make of them.  Life gives us the building materials, but we are the ones who must use them.

Bless you all.  Thanks for being my friends.


Fran Lee

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What a great list! Thanks for sharing.