Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ground Hog Day with Anita Birt

February 2nd is my birthday and I'm celebrating to-day. I think it was Lady Astor who once remarked. "Never ask a lady her age." So don't because I won't tell. I've had lots of flowers from family. One looks like a cake and has five candles on top. Rows and rows of different flowers build the the "cake." It's really unusual.

Back to this business of writing. I wrote a sharp little note to The National Post, a major Canadian newspaper, regarding an article that appeared on Wednesday where the words "trashy romance," were used to make a point. It's up to we romance authors to raise our voices or send off words when our writing is called trash. I'm so sick of "body rippers" used to denigrate our writings. So do as I did and take up the sword and take a swing at the offenders.

For goddesses who want to read what I wrote on my blog on December 30th, go to It should have gone on the goddess blog and I think it's worth a look. I'm to blog every Friday in February. But before I leave this happy place I'm posting my covers. I have a new one for my romantic suspense, Too Young To Die but it's not approved for viewing yet.


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