Monday, June 25, 2007

Good Stuff Comes in Twos

I’m excited about two things today. The paperback edition of Everglades Wildfire was just released (yes, you can get your copy by visiting the Ellora’s Cave site, look on the right side) and the upcoming RWA National conference is only about two weeks away. (!)

The prospect of seeing my book on the shelf at the bookstore is darn exciting. Although I think my kids are a bit nervous, worried that I’ll run around the bookstore, dragging random people over to the shelf, pointing and shouting ‘there’s my book! I wrote that’. Now why would they think that? I’d never do that to random people, only to them.

Every year the RWA conference is exciting, intense, and a *bit* tiring. This year I’m looking forward to meeting other EC authors at the Ellora’s Cave luncheon, signing the newly released paperbacks of Everglades Wildfire (please stop by and say ‘hi’), and attending as many workshops as I can squeeze in.

In addition to my plans I always set goals. Sometimes the goals are fun, places I want to visit like historical sights (last year it was Margaret Mitchell apartment), but most of the goals are business related. Checking out new hot genres, talking to booksellers and librarians... My goals this year: meet new people (please say ‘hi’ if you see me wandering around), see something I don’t expect (I’ve been to TX a bunch of times and feel like I’ve seen everything but of course that can’t be true) and come home with a fresh batch of ideas (enough to last me the 365 days until the next conference).

Watch for my next post, I’ll let you know how I did.

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