Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife

I haven't seen the movie - too busy getting ready to move and taking a holiday and sorting out clothing to send to thrift shops. Having said all that, I read a review for the movie and the reviewer, Rick Groen, gave such a neat little description of "sentimental fiction" that I had to share it.

"In sentimental fiction, if not in sorry reality, romance's heart always pound to the same reassuring three beats, and the script is the trusty metronome that keeps time. It's rhythm never varies, (1) introduce the problem; (2) complicate the problem; (3) resolve the problem. " He goes on to say the movies has few complications and seldom has the course of love run more smoothly.

Perhaps the 1, 2, 3 he lays out is worth sticking on the desk as you ponder the scenes. Introduce the Problem. Complicate the Problem. Resolve the Problem.

Goal. Motivation. Conflict. Same rhythm as the above, 1,2,3.

If only writing were that simple. Do we get lost in too much narrative? Not enough useful dialogue to move the plot. As for conflict! It's not a punch-up with bloody noses. It can be subtly devastating and hard to get a handle on.

I have many faults and one is not doing a thorough work-up on each significant character in my stories. When I have moved and settled into my new small apartment. I intend to mend my ways.

In the meantime, I have more to do to-day and tomorrow and tomorrow. I may miss my August 30 Goddess blog. I shall do my best so forgive me if I miss that day. As General Douglas MacCarthur (sp?) said, "I shall return."

Drop by my web site, and check out my books, quotes and news.


1 comment:

jean hart stewart said...

This reminds of what Mary Balogh once told me. When you don't know what to write make it worse. Same idea. And make sure you return as soon as possible, Anita